Week 9: Doctrine and Covenants 18-19
It’s probably safe to say that when Martin Harris came home from mortgaging the family farm to finance printing the Book of Mormon, he was not greeted with a hug from his wife Lucy. He likely did not receive reassurance from her that the sacrifice would be worth it. Rather, on this and other occasions Martin’s faithfulness to the gospel and loyalty to the prophet resulted in family conflict. Maybe some of us know how that feels. We can see in Martin an example of trying to be faithful, even when loved ones feel different.
President Henry B. Eyring has reassured that if we “live worthy of the celestial kingdom, … the family arrangements will be more wonderful than [we] can imagine.” In doing so, we can safely place our hope in returning to our heavenly home, being greeted with a warm embrace, and peaceful reassurance that makes any righteous sacrifice worth it.
February 22–28. Doctrine and Covenants 18–19: “The Worth of Souls Is Great”

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